(Knowledge Resource Centre)

The library has a key role in supporting the academic activities of the institution by establishing, maintaining and promoting the following library and information services, both quantitatively and qualitatively.
1. Borrowing Facility
a. Each Student :1 Books (for 7 Days)
Faculty Members :
b. Senior college staff – 35 Books
c. Non-Teaching Staff : 10 books
Books for competitive examinations such as MPSC, UPSC, NET/SET are also issued on the identity cards. Current Journals are displayed on racks and the back issues are issued for seven days.
2. Book Bank Facility :
a. Set of text books are issued to the Back word class students.
b. Set of text books are issued to the first three students who secure highest percentage of marks in the class.
Book Bank Schemes:
There are two book bank schemes available to the college students. Backward class book bank scheme :
Backward class book bank scheme is run and funded by Mumbai University, Mumbai only for the SC, ST, SBC & NT caste students studying at degree and PG level.
To get benefit of the scheme the students have to take book bank application form from library clerk and submiting it with true copeies of caste certificate and mark sheets library clerk. The meeting of the students with principal and Librarian organize within a week after submission of application form. only those students gets books who attended the said meeting. After meeting held, there will be notice on library notice board regarding the distribution of books with respective dates. As per the dates allowed to the class they have to come in library and to take the books from library clerk. The books distributes to the students only as per the syllabus for a year. The students should carefully and sincerely use the books and have to return the books in the library just after completion of their exams. If they failed to do so, their mark sheets will be held till the return of the books.
College Book bank scheme:
The other book bank scheme is run by our college and is only for the Economically Weaker needy and meritorious students providing EWS certificate. This scheme is available to the limited no of the students depending upon the availability of books. The students will be selected by the selection committee constituted by the Principal comprising three members. The books issued to the selected students recommended by selection committee. The books will be given to the students for whole a year. The students should return the books just after completion of the exam. If the failed to do so, there mark sheets will be held till he/she return the books.
2018-2019 566 643
2019-2020 544 1233
2020-2021 279 818
2021-2022 502 2008
2022-2023 649 2757
2023-2024 437 3085
3. Reading Hall:
Study Room Facility is available to students and faculty members, during the library hours i.e. 7.00 am to 5.30 pm.
Library has spacious reading hall can accommodate 200 students at a time, Reading hall is well equipped with comfortable chairs and tables for the users so that they can sit & read. Readers have to show their college ID at the entrance and scan barcode on ID card to login to account. Bonafide students of the college have to right to use reading hall.
In Reading hall there is a special section of competitive exam books, current magazines and periodicals. To serve the reading material to the student’s library staff is always ready to fulfill the demand of the students of reading material. Library staff is deputed to maintain peace and silence inside the hall. More than four hundred students availed this facility ofthe reading hall in a day.
4. Internet Facility:
Internet facility is given to the all user. It is at free of cost for students.
Library has well set up of Internet zone with 25 computers it is adequately specious as per the need of the users, 25 students can use this service at a time. In this zone only bonafied students can get entry providing their library ID cards. They should not take their own material inside the zone. This service is totally free of cost with unlimited time but only in official hour.
The users have to maintain silence in the zone. They have to maintain all the equipment connecting all the cables, wires as it is for the effective use of internet. Students have to follow the following rules very strictly and carefully. If anyone failed to follow the same he/she will be permanently debarred from using the internet zone.
5. Reprography Service:
One Xerox Machine is available in Library and this facility is given to all users at nominal charges of Rs. 2/- per page for the students.
6. Question Papers
The sets of university examination question papers are made available to students from the library.
7. Current Awareness Service (CAS)
This list of new arrival is also displayed on the notice board for information of students. New arrivals (books) are displayed on Display Stand for seven days.
8. Reference Service:
The reference books are made available to the readers during library hours. The personal assistance as guidance and help is provided, if required to the new readers to make use of the reference book.
9. Best Reader Award:
R. H. Save library offered awards to the students in two categories i.e. best Reader Award and best library users award.
Best reader award is for those students who register their names in the library after their admission in college. They have to register his/her name to Lib clerk. Students have to take books from the concern staff, students will be given an extra library card against deposit of 100 Rs/-(refundable). The Best Reader Award will be selected on the basis of their book reviews submitted by the students and personal interview conducted by library comprising senior faculty and librarian.
The best library user award is given to those students who use library resources frequently in the current academic year. This information will be generated from the system and the most frequent user name will be finalized.
The winners are declared at the end of the academic year in prize distribution ceremony. Best awardees will get a set of books and certificate for the first three rankers of each category.
Every year the college library gives “Best Library User Award “to the student’s one who use the library books most frequently han other students in a year. Best Reader Award gives on the basis of Interview and Review of Books they have read. The award carries a certificate and a book
Following students are the recipients of this award:
Academic Year Name of Students Class Prize
2011-2012 MS. Tapaswini Vaidya FY BA 1st Prize
2012-2013 Ms. Poonam Sulebhavkar SY BA 1st Prize
2013-2014 Ms. Tapaswini Vaidya TY BA 1st Prize
2014-2015 Ms. Niranjana Vaidya FY BA 1st Prize
Ms. Bhondva Anjana SY BA 2nd Prize
Mr. Prashant Beldar TY B Com 3rd Prize
2015-2016 Ms. Niranjana Vaidya SYBA 1st Prize
Mr. Prashant Beldar TYB Com 2nd Prize
Mr.Rohit Sharma SYBA 3rd Prize
2016-2017 Ms.Kalpana Mohite SYBA 1st Prize
Ms.Pragati Puyade SYBA 2nd Prize
Ms.Niranjana Vaidya TYBA 3rd Prize
2017-2018 Ms.Pragati D. Puyad TYBA 1st Prize
Ms.Yogita R. Bhuvad TYBA 2nd Prize
Ms. Kalpana M. Mohate TYBA 3rd Price
2018-2019 Mr. Vishnu Hemada TYBA 1St Prize
Ms. Pratiksha Pagdhare TYBA 2nd Prize
Ms. Shivani Patil SYBsc 3rd Prize
2019-2020 Mr. Jay Lade Msc 1st Prize
Ms. Aparajita Pandey SYBcom 2nd Prize
Ms. Pranali Thakur TYBA 3rd Prize
2020-2021 Mr.Rushsen Dhanke MA 1st Prize
Mr.Suyog Gond MCom 2nd Prize
Ms.Shreya Patil SYBSC 3rd Prize
2021-2022 Ms. Purvi Kadu FYBCOM 1st Prize
Ms.Shweta Umbere FYBCOM 2nd Prize
Ms.Shreya Patil SYBSC 3rd Prize
2022-2023 Ms.Shreya Patil TYBSC 1st Prize
Ms.Sarangi Gharat TYBSC 2nd Prize
Ms.Shweta Umbere SYBCOM 3rd Prize
2023-2024 Ms. Sarangee Gharat MA Pol Sci I 1st Prize
Ms. Purvi Patil TYBCOM 2nd Prize
Ms. Anjali Joshi FYBA 3rd Prize
10. Earn and Learn Scheme:-
The idea in introducing this scheme is to help the students to earn certain amount of money by voluntary efforts and instill in a sense of dignity of work and boost self-confidence through an apprentice like training.
This scheme is run by our college to help the economically weak and needy students. This scheme is for limited number of students. The students selected in this scheme few of them works in library throughout the year for 2 to 3 hours daily and they get certain amount to meet their educational requirements.
11. External Membership: -
External membership is available for the students of distance education, Ex-students and research scholars.
12. Bibliographic Service:
It is an on demand service. List of reference books and other materials is provided to the faculty and students. The list of new arrivals is also given to respective departments and the research scholars.
13. Special Service for Visually Disabled.
The physically challenged students are provided separate reading space adjacent to clerical staff so that he/she gets every required assistance from them and brail books and CDs have been purchased & Special Care provided if required.
14. Bar Coding of Library Collection
Students are being given computerized bar-coded Borrowing Tickets since 2014.
15. Safety precautions to preserve the library Collection :
a) Fire Extinguisher
b) Pest Control
c) Naphthalene Balls
d) CC TV Cameras
16. Library Computerization:
Library has generated electronic database Library books using SOUL 2.0 software. Computerization will facilitate as:
Online Public Access Catalogue allows students and teachers to find any book of his/her interest.
a. Online staff issue provides details and statistics of reading.
b. Yearly reading profile of any staff and departmental library. Etc.
Web OPAC is a library catalog on the Web or Intranet. Users can search the required information by connecting to Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of Web OPAC anytime during the day and from anywhere in the world.
18. Other Automated Facilities:
· Bar coding Technology
· Laser Scanner
Installed N-LIST (National Library and Information services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content) through which faculty members can access 78000 ebooks and 2200 e-Journals free. The N-LIST project provides access to e-resources to students, researchers and faculty from colleges and other beneficiary institutions through server(s) installed at the INFLIBNET Centre. The authorized users from our college can now access e-resources and download articles required by them directly from the publisher's website once they are duly authenticated as authorized users through servers deployed at the INFLIBNET Centre.
List of E-resources under N-LIST Programme
Click on the resource to get Fulltext Access
Supporting Use of Open Access Sources of InformationInstitutional Membership of British Council Library:
The library has an Institutional membership of British Council Library, Mumbai. The students and teachers can borrow books from the library and e-library.
20.Institutional Membership of British Council Library’s:
The library has an Institutional membership of British Council Library, Mumbai. The students and teachers can borrow books from the library and e-library.
Library Extension Services
New arrivals Display:
Library displays new books which enable library users to aware about new collection of the library. They can familiarize themselves with latest developments in their interested field. As and when the library purchases new titles displays in the “New arrival Stand” for the benefit of reader.
Book Exhibition:
Exhibition on specific topics would help readers to be aware of the kind of books already available in the library. Library arranges the book exhibitions on different occasions like Ranganathan‟s birthday (Librarian‟s Day), Library Week, Independence day, Republic day, Teachers‟ day, college annual function day etc. to motivate the users to read the books, the library should arrange.
Organizing Training programs:
The library organizes training programs for the library staff to know the latest developments in information technology and resource sharing. By these, library staff can update their knowledge to help the readers in information searching and providing.
Preventive Measures:
There is no property counter and specially deputed staff at the entrance of library. Hence, library follows closed access to the reference book and specialized collection.
Provision of adequate lighting, fans has been adopted. Also library staffs monitor the library deputed in each section.
Library Security System:
Closed circuit camera system (CCTV) has been installed in the Library for the Security and safeguard of the Library resources. The Library has installed –Cameras across different sections of the Library for monitoring Librarians section has a LCD monitor where the (CCTV) feed is provided and access to recording of the footage. Besides of this Library Attendants monitor at stack rooms and study Places.
Best Practices:
1. Computerization of library with standard software.
2. Inclusion of sufficient information about the library in the college prospectus.
3. Compiling student / teacher statistics
4. Displaying newspaper clippings and a clipping file maintained periodically.
5. Career/ employment information services
6. Internet facility to different user groups
7. Information literacy programmes
8. Displaying New Arrivals
9. Conduct book exhibition on different occasions
10. Organizing human library programmes
11. Instituting Annual Best Reader and Best User Award for students
12. Organizing competitions annually
13. Compiling a list of Current Serials/ catalogue of journals
14. Updating and maintaining library website
15. Maintaining useful statistics regarding the use of the library and displaying them on
16. the library walls Compiling checklists on different subject/topics as a part of documentation service
17. Library Committee formation
18. Distribution of useful handouts
19. General Rules and Regulations:
20Identity card is compulsory for getting access to the library.
21.Student members have to show their library I.D. While enter the library and Scan “Barcode,” which is on I-Card to log into account.