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  • Computerization of library with SOUL Software.

  • Barcode to the books and Students for lending purpose.

  • Conducting Book exhibitions twice or thrice in a year

  •  Best reader award & Best Library user award for the students..

  •  Compiling issue/receive books statistics.

  •  User orientation given through PPT to the 1st year students in the  

  •  beginning of  the academic year.

  •  Inclusion of sufficient information about the library in the College 

  •  Magazine.

  • Institutional Membership of British Council Library

  • E- Resources subscribed under NLIST Programme.

  • Separate collection for Competitive Examination.

  • Compiling student’s attendance statistics.

  •  Displaying newspaper clipping on the notice board periodically.

  •  Career / Employment Information Services

  •  Internet facilities to different user groups.

  • Displaying new arrivals and circulating a list of those to academic   departments. 

  • Lamination Books. 

  • Web OPAC 

  • Suggestion box.

Website Design and developed by : Bhavesh B. Raut,  R. H. SAVE Knowledge Resource Centre (Library), Sonopant Dandekar College, Palghar West, Dist. Palghar

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