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(Knowledge Resource Centre)

Student members have to show their library I. D. while enter the library and write their name, time and sign the Register kept at the entrance.
Students are supposed to enter the Library with clean dress code.
Files, bags, personal text books are not allowed inside the Library.
No person shall write or damage or make any mark on any book journal or other materials belonging to the Library.
The borrower shall be responsible for any damage or loss done to the Library documents borrowed by them shall be required to replace such material or to pay the double cost thereof.
Before leaving the Library the reader shall keep on the table any books /periodical which he/she has taken for use. The same shall not be kept back on the shelf by the reader to avoid misplacement. however the books borrowed from the text book counter have to be returned to the counter.
Maintaining peace silence in the Library is a must.
Loss of borrower card has to be reported immediately to the Librarian in writing.
Dictionaries, back volumes of periodicals, project reports and other reference are available within the Library.
Borrower tickets are not transferable. Members are not allowed to sub- lend the books of the library to other students.
Member should take care of their personal belonging the library is not responsible for any claim of loss of such articles in the library.
Smoking and consuming chocolates, gutka etc,. In the library is strictly prohibited.
Any infringement of the norms and procedures will render the student for strict action including cancellation of admission
In case of late return of books students will have to pay fine at the rate of rs. 1 per day. While charging the fine holidays will be counted
Re- issues of the books depend upon the demand for the same.
All cases of disregards of these rules will be reported to the principal for appropriate action.
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